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VS MANCHESTER CITY; PREMIER LEAGUE; 10-11-2019, Klopp VS Guardiola;
Klopp VS Guardiola; MEILLEUR;
MANCHESTER CITY; ARABIC COMMENTARY liverpool, manchester city,

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مشاهدة مباراة ليفربول
ومانشستر سيتي بث مباشر 04 08 2019, بث مباشر لمباراة
ليفربول ومانشستر سيتي كورة اون
لاين, بث مباشر لمباراة ليفربول ومانشستر سيتي في قمة الدوري ..., يلا شوت الجديد
| مشاهدة اهم مباريات اليوم بث مباشر | yalla ..., مشاهدة مباراة ليفربول
ومانشستر سيتي اليوم يوتيوب (بث ..., مشاهدة مباراة ليفربول ومانشستر سيتي بث مباشر
بتاريخ 04 ...
Sallah could have come to Firmino Yvette's IANA in sterling is information presented sucks away the goal family failure rate just sailing impressive started Alexander Otto absolutely emphatic it's a dreams of privilege I love them they win it knowing that we can lose it again the oh the message for today nobody gets rid of us oxlade-chamberlain you 10:30 in the morning from anfield stadium in england for analyze all the previous one and have the best prediction for this match let's see how do the two sets get to this england classic to start let's go to remember the game that was lived approximately 5 or 6 months where they faced liverpool manchester the same city and remember that the match ended the tie but with a very match attractive if it wasn't in goals if it was in technique well perspective at stake in the street and for this particular moment we are going to remember that on the last day of the premier the two teams come from a I win the liverpool on the one hand he won aston vila 2-1 while the Manchester City win equal two for one fake but the most recent match was the one they lived at midweek both teams in the Liverpool League Champions League well with each other we talk precisely about scoreboard but it was a very scoreboard tight because despite having won two for one was very suffered very tight and the yen team almost tied him the game that liverpool already had while manchester city achieves get a valuable result though complicated in terms of table 1 by 1 before the atalanta also swells however the mood of this great game classic in england already started to warm up with the previous statements of club coaches said guardiola is the best this is certainly throwing the ball at Spanish technician because all the pressure fall directly with manchester That's why the duel falls intense and that the pressure have them let's remember how the teams are on the table right now the liverpool is up by six units so this match is key for both of us to and still give a heading to the premier league if liverpool wins it goes by up to 9 points and if he wins the Manchester City you can trim it to three units what it makes the competition within the league to the last hopefully this duel is from attractive level as they usually do the English very fast very vertical and very direct so that the ball arrives what as soon as possible to the goals let's expect a lot of game from Latin Americans who are currently found in both teams on the one hand I sign accompanied no Latin Americans but excellent game manet room that can give you a lot of play vertical to liverpool and on the other hand the manchester city that has one of the referents both Argentine and that have qualified in the good game of pep Guardiola who is Sergio Aguero who is leaving to accompany along with other colleagues also latin americans like fernandinho that although he doesn't have the leading role but that is the game creator for and have the advantage in this in this match let's wait for a game without very interesting doubt very attractive hopefully with much latest data hopefully see the goalkeeper claudio bravo in the goal of manchester city after the starting goalie evers in suffered an average injury week in the match with champions al at least that's what pep said guardiola who is very likely to version is not ready and therefore between claudio bravo anyway going to see Latin American goal this Sunday here is the previous one not before remind them that for me it's going to bring the local team and that certainly goes to have many goals do not forget subscribe to the channel activate the notifications to be of the first in commenting and being aware of all the predictions see you next working day I'm nayeli martínez until here
Spain vs france >>
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