
cours de Mathématiques

 En analysant attentivement un cours de mathématique (ou un livre) on constate que son contenu se développe en passant par les trois étapes élémentaires suivantes :

1. La construction des objets mathématiques : nombres, fonctions, ensembles, figures géométriques ... C’est l’étape préliminaire de définition et d’introduction d’objets mathématiques.

2. La formation de relations entre les objets mathématiques construits en respectant un ensemble de règles et de lois logiques. C’est l’étape de formulation des propositions et des théorèmes mathématiques.

3. La démonstration des théorèmes. C’est l’étape de validation des propositions qui sont logiquement vraies.

D’habitude, l’homme construit les objets mathématiques dans le but de comprendre, de d'écrire, de modéliser, de calculer et de prédire les phénomènes naturelles (physique, économique, sociologique, météorologique...) et par la suite en découvrir les lois qui les gouvernent. Les objets mathématiques sont donc crées par l’homme pour résoudre des problèmes vécus au quotidien et non pas pour répondre ou satisfaire un plaisir intellectuel personnel.

En mathématique on entend par théorème toute relation entre les objets mathématiques

qui soit logiquement vraie. La méthode qui permet de justifier qu’un théorème donné est vari s’appelle raisonnement mathématique ou démonstration.

En général, la démonstration d’un théorème se développe en utilisant des notions mathématiques logiquement évidentes (les axiomes) tout en respectant les règles de la logique

mathématique. Une démonstration peut faire aussi appeler  à d’autres théorèmes démontrés

auparavant, donc considérés comme des notions mathématiques acquises.

Grosso modo les théorèmes en mathématique se divisent en quatre types :

1. Le lemme : est un théorème dont la démonstration prépare la démonstration d’un

autre théorème très important.

2. Le corollaire : est un théorème qu’on déduit de façon presque immédiate à partir d’un théorème déjà démontré.

3. Théorème d’existence : est un théorème qui énonce l’existence d’un objet mathématique répondant à une certaine question ou possédant une propriété particulière.

La démonstration de tels théorèmes se fait soit de façon inductive ou soit de façon


4. Théorème d’unicité : est un théorème qui énonce l’existance d’un seul objet mathématique vérifiant certaines propriétés ou lois logiques bien déterminées.

Dans ce chapitre, on donnera les outils de la logique mathématique nécessaires pour développer les démonstrations rigoureuses des théorèmes proposés.

Concernant l’apprentissage des méthodes de construction d’objets mathématiques et la formulation des théorèmes ce sont des habilités qui se dévelepperont chez l’étudiant avec le temps et au fur et à mesure qu’en assistant au cours et aux travaux dirigés (ou par fois en participant aux travaux partiques), ces habilités s’acquièrent aussi et se perfectionnent en lisant les livres de mathématique écrits par des mathématiciens expérimentés.


A promising discovery for a definitive treatment for both types of diabetes

 In a step that brings the world closer to the possibility of developing an effective treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, a study conducted by researchers in Germany discovered that promising results are achieved in that direction when disabling one of the receptors that inhibits insulin secretion in the body, if it turns out that this leads to activation and an increase in the level of insulin secretion. sensitivity of the insulin signaling pathway in pancreatic beta cells; This protects these cells and allows them to regenerate and begin to secrete insulin.

The study was conducted by a team of researchers under the supervision of the German National Center for Diabetes Research, and was published in the specialized scientific journal Nature, whose results were described as “a milestone in the field of diabetes research.”

In laboratory experiments with mice, the researchers sought to explore the consequences of inactivating this inhibitory receptor (IGF1R) by eliminating it in pancreatic beta cells and by inactivating it with monoclonal antibodies.

In their final report, the researchers said that the results were encouraging, as they noted a significant increase in insulin signaling along with the growth of functional beta cells in the pancreas.

Insulin blocking receptor

Because these results demonstrate that targeting this inhibitory insulin receptor could open up unprecedented avenues for treating beta cell loss and dysfunction, the researchers hope that their discovery will contribute to the development of a diabetes treatment based on inhibiting IGF1R cells, while at the same time targeting pancreatic beta cells. With therapeutic molecules that correct the way they work and reactivate their ability to naturally secrete the hormone insulin.

It is noteworthy that diabetes mellitus is a highly complex disease that arises due to the loss or disruption of insulin-producing beta cells in the "islets of Langerhans", which are small groups of pancreatic cells whose function is to regulate and control blood sugar levels.

Complications of diabetes include chronic hyperglycemia and systemic metabolic failure. In the long term, the disease may lead to damage to some organs of the body, and may lead to early death if it is not controlled.

The results of previous research studies indicate that intensive insulin therapy helps improve blood sugar control and thus relieve symptoms of diabetes, but it also leads to unwanted weight gain in addition to a group of more serious side effects such as an increased risk of a significant decrease in blood sugar. Blood sugar leading to diabetic coma.

So far, there is no drug or gene therapy that can stop a diabetic patient's dependence on insulin-replacement pharmaceuticals.

about a century ago; In his speech before the Nobel Prize Committee, the discoverer of insulin, Frederick Banting, emphasized that insulin is not a cure for diabetes, but rather a symptom relief only. So; What German researchers have discovered may be a radical cure for the incurable disease that affects about 500 million people around the world.


A famous American singer's concert leaves 8 dead and hundreds injured in Houston, USA

The Astroworld Festival,  Houston

The Astroworld Festival, which was revived by international star Travis Scott, in the American city of Houston, on Friday evening, witnessed a great tragedy that killed 8 people, and injured hundreds due to the stampede.

According to a report published by Variety newspaper, Travis Scott's party left 8 dead and more than 300 injured, after the crowd rushed forward, causing a large number of people to fall to the ground due to the rush, and the report quoted statements to Samuel Pepina, the city's fire chief, At 9 p.m., the crowd began to rush forward, which caused Scott to stop the show several times to ask security for fans' help, and members of the fire department were sent into the thick crowd to rescue the injured.

The fire chief added, "Exactly at 9:38 pm, the mass casualty incident occurred, and at that time the cardiopulmonary resuscitation phase began to save the unconscious fans, and at the same time, publications spread on social media platforms, in order to call for help to save the attendees at the concert."

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At least 8 dead and many injured at Astroworld Festival accident in Houston

At least 8 dead and many injured after crowd surg at Astroworld Festival in Houston

(CNN) At least eight people have been killed and scores injured after a crowd rushed in as rapper Travis Scott took to the stage at the Astroworld festival in Houston on Friday night.

The crash happened when crowds rushed to the platform, crushing those up front who couldn't escape, local fire chief Sam Peña told CNN on Saturday morning. . He said it caused panic, worsened the situation and drowned the security guards there.

Astroworld posted a statement on Instagram on Saturday morning which read, “Our hearts are with the family at the Astroworld festival tonight, especially those we have lost and those we love.

“We are focused on supporting local officials in any way we can. With that in mind, the festival will no longer be held on Saturday [..] Thank you to our partners, the Houston Police Department, the Fire Department and NRG Park for their response and support.

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cours de Mathématiques

 En analysant attentivement un cours de mathématique (ou un livre) on constate que son contenu se développe en passant par les trois étapes ...